Smart Zone Café

Smart Zone Café is an Android and iOS app that delivers exceptional digital café experience by allowing users to make online orders, read books and get coffee, shop art and book events. The app breaks the waiting hassles and other clutter that users typically face with attending physical cafés.

Client Review
Emerald Victor
Founder – Smart Zone Cafe

Techlancers Middle East provides amazing design and development execution processes and their account management teams are supportive. This is a 10/10 for me and I won't hesitate to hire them again.

About app

The Idea Behind the App

Our client wanted to build and launch an app that would deliver a close to physical café experience completely online – with books, art, coffee and food – everything digitally. The client realized that when users wanted to enjoy a book with coffee for a cozy experience, they would spend a lot of time in long queues, sometimes won’t even be able to access quick menus in pickup orders and then pay hidden fees and charges. With this app concept, our client wanted to develop an app that would bridge the gap between a typical, brick and mortar café enjoyment and digital café experience. The app concept directly targeted the pain point of thousands of users who have busy professional lives, personal commitments, and are still willing to catch up some me time with delicious coffee and a thought-provoking book.


During the discovery sessions, we realized the market gaps and came up with a list of challenges associated with the app idea, with data security being the most prominent. Many cafés would not want to share their booking options publically. On the users’ side, it is challenging to convince them to input their personal information, especially sensitive ones like card details. The client also wanted to help users skip long queues and waiting hassles – so advanced online table reservations seemed to be an option – but then on business-side, café buy-in was a potential issue because the owners might be reluctant to reserve a table without a physical presence.


The business analysts and product development strategists at Techlancers Middle East created a development strategy for the Smart Zone Café app. Here’s what we did:

  • We designed the app's user journey and interface like a digital café: coffee, music, books, art, food and events.
  • We added functionalities like online table reservations, online pickup ordering, delivery status, reviews and rating, smart membership profile creation to build the platform's credibility.
  • We added ecommerce integrations to help creators, cafes and other businesses generate income through the app
  • We ensured superb app security with end-to-end encryption and certifications to attract users’ confidence in using the online payment model

App Features

-Event announcements and bookings

-Online purchasing options for SmArt, books, events, and other products sold by cafés.

-In-app pickup schedules

-Online table reservations

-Convenient online payment through debit and credit card

-Smart membership

-Reviews and ratings

-Delivery to car / pickup ordering and tracking 

Tech Stack used

Our custom software development solutions are powered by some of the disruptive, emerging technologies. These programming languages and technologies help us build revolutionary software solutions with a forward-thinking approach.

React Native

Frontend framework


Backend framework


Design and Prototyping

Future Plans

The developers plan to expand the app's functionalities by offering:

Monetization Model

Initially, the client had planned to earn from video ads and sponsored content. During the discovery sessions, we further matured the monetization strategy for Smart Zone Café and it’s now a combination of 5 popular models. The major earnings of Smart Zone Café now come from subscriptions of B2B brand partnerships, affiliate commissions and sponsored content, with chunks from in-app purchases like ebooks and listing fees from events.

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App Development Process for Smart Zone Cafe

We followed an agile approach for developing the Smart Zone Cafe app. Here’s how their app development journey looks like:


We started with comprehensive research and strategy deliverables including user journey maps, features, tech stack, and monetization framework.


Our design department created wireframes and app screen mockups based on the user journey and list of features. 


Developers completed the main programming KPIs with deliverables for front-end, back-end development, API integrations and database setups.


The quality assurance analysts performed five rounds of tests: security assessments, performance and functional testing, device and unit testing.


After battle-testing and check-marking quality standards, we performed keyword research,  and with listing prerequisites, we submitted the app for store approvals.


After publishing, the client hired Techlancers Middle East for regular maintenance of the app. Our key deliverables in this stage include audit reports and app analytics. 


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Techlancers Middle East is an IT company in Dubai helping businesses achieve their revenue goals with websites, mobile apps and SaaS.